May or may not. He don’t give a care. He says I should become a rigger. I think it’s a short joke. Read more…
heroin Satan pro model
Ha! Seriosly, dude rips.When did he get on? This could be the hardest guy in the industry to get footy of. I mean, shit. He’s in straight chill mode. Only He could pull off flip flops, though. The God model is the rest of the picture. It seems he’s mowing dude’s lawn. Oh, the good […] Read more…
Mike Ears' Don't Be A Baby wipes
These mofos are the latest creation from the ever creative thinkhole of Mike Ears, the greatest man that side of the Mississippi. When your diet consists of nuthin but shit beer and Chesterfields, you’re gonna need a nice gentle touch, especially after that fourth sit down, feel me? Cools the burn… Read more…
frosty king- an anorexic's dreams come true…
Ever been here? Oh yeah, You people are afraid of the ghetto, pinche diablo blancos. This shit is hood, son! The ketchup packets didn’t even say fancy on ’em, true story. We ordered from the walk up to window, it was kinda sketch inside. I walked straight into getting ice grilled by some dude divyin […] Read more…
Bigfoot action figure
This shit is awesome, that’s all. I don’t know when this guy came out, but it’s amazing. I think this one is autographed, too. Funny, I always thought that a yeti would just sign with an X… That’s just me. Read more…
smile brigade/ take the precious edge off this treacherous ledge
fuck it, leave the edge, walk off the ledge. this good stuff couldn’t get play in a Seattle coffeshop in the 90’s. “hey bro, have you downloaded that new smile brigade cd yet off the web?” “did you just ask me that? don’t ever speak to me again, douchebag.” sidenote-the sunflower seeds that came in […] Read more…
Ttriumph/bigga happiness sound/adam twelve &lionize reggae dancehall mix #2
are you kidding? how long does a title have to be? oh, it’s cuz of the fact that there’s 57 fuckin bumbleclot tracks on this coaster. at least the songs are short. man, it would take way too many heady nugs to sit thru this shit. not to say i don’t imbibe, i just can’t […] Read more…