oui décor

Posts Tagged ‘Nick Sierra’

Rob and Ted’s Excellent Adventures – “Ray’s Board Shop”

  From the road all over, we bring you episode 1 of Excellent Adventures, a show where the Lowcard staff rolls around and talks to the people making their skate scenes dope. In our first episode, we stop by Ray’s Board Shop in Redding, CA. Ray and his crew of misfits keep it going there […] Read more…

Let It Ride

  The Gang Goes to New England (and New York for a little bit). This crew of misfits made hay while the sun shone in the Northeast during the fall and sent us this postcard from the road. Be sure to catch the full article in the upcoming issue number 73.   Featuring: Romario Caceres, […] Read more…

Little Devil

From the eyes of Stephen Muro comes “Little Devil,” a short shot between SF and LA on a bum knee. The homies went hard for this one, enjoy.   Filmed by Stephen Muro   Skaters: Julian Depalma, Denzel White, Tony Willie, Tony Christopher, Kayl Johnson, Nick Sierra, Dane Locc, Keith Silvers, Stephen “Seegull” Brayman, Eli […] Read more…

Lowcard #72 Release Party

Issue #72 featuring Stephen Muro on the cover is available now. Go get yourself a copy to add to the never ending collection of skate media we all secretly hoard. We decided to celebrate with a party at Waller Street skate park, so here is the video recap of that joyous occasion.   Featuring: Chris […] Read more…

Lowcard BBQ at Fort Miley

  We decided to get the homies together for some boards, burgers and brews. Oh, and we gave everyone some free gear to rep as well. Advertising is key in 2024. Read more…