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December 2012 archive

Afternoon at Arto’s

The crew.. The carnage.. Warm ups. Jerry Gurney backside boneless. photo: arto Jack Given shallow to deep smith grind. photo: arto The boys. photo: arto McClain floating into the deep with a bs ollie. photo: shamanski Gurney crooked grind from the deep. photo: shamanski The boys.. again. photo: shamanski Brad McClain front blunt on the […] Read more…

5 & 5…

OJ Wheels rider Wes Kremer – 5 Tricks & 5 Questions… strangenotes.com ojwheels.com Read more…

Trick A Day…

Mr. Fritz Mead teaches a trick. luckybearingsco.com independenttrucks.com ojwheels.com Read more…

Get in the Jeep…

First installment of Get in the Jeep features skateboarding from Jerry Gurney, Jack Given, Chris Gregson, Mason Merlino and WSVT local Kenny. Filmed and edited by Shamanski. Read more…

My Ride…

Think and Lucky Bearings rider Josh Matthews goes over his set-up… thinkskateboards.com luckybearingco.com Read more…

Slap Magazine…

Eric Palozzolo with the photos from the Map Masquerade tour – Photozilla… slapmagazine.com Read more…

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