oui décor

City Cutts 1…

April and May Skating in San Francisco and Oakland. Skateboarders in order of appearance, Daniel Weinstein, Brad Clarke, Jack Love, Tom Brinkerhoff, Ryan Lennox, Cutter Macleod, Nick Carracino, Dan DeBarros, Tyson, Alex O’Donahoe, Harrison Hafner and Bobby Groves

filmed: Tom Brinkerhoff, Bobby Groves and Brett Nichols
edit: Tom Brinkerhoff

Tom Brinkerhoff assuming the position.

Daniel is hyped!

Hey that’s not a Lowcard

Sup dawg?

Bobby Groves of Bobby Breakfast fs boardslide

Bobby lending a hand with filming

Harrison Hafner wallie

Keep an eye out for more edits by Tom and Bobby Breakfast coming to Lowcardmag.com
pics by Tadashi

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