oui décor

some years ago

i took a photoshop class. i can’t remember shit from it, but i found my first assignment i did. i just had to color this pikcher in and insert captions. my teacher always looked at me funny after this one. Read more…

what, do you think it's noticeable?

no, fuck it. let’s just go in the bar. i don’t think anyone’ll  even say anything. where’s that pack of cigs? i can’t seem to focus kinda. or any. roughneck ssan diego trip, 06 maybe? jarrod bryan foto. Read more…

Warmer times…

The warm weather is around the corner. For now take a look at this little clip from the boys over @ Day One Skate Shop. Read more…

The Boss…

So the Boss sends me a text letting me know he is disturbed by seeing a full grown man taking a shit. He says we got to gets something up so it’s not at the top of the news. So I think for a little while what can follow that news post. Got it… Lets take it […] Read more…

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