oui décor

December 2010 archive

tim lafortune just sent this over, ollie fakie over the stairs. wellfleet, cape cod massachusetts Read more…

Cale’s Reviews: Weird Shit…

Weird Shit, a new video staring our SD filmer Jeff Biedenbach… You wanna hear some Weird Shit? I dig clams, work on fishing boats, shoot bears with bows and spend my money on strippers… Now that’s WEIRD SHIT! Read more…


with the Lowcard BUMMER CHRISTMAS STOCKING… In our Store for Christmas. Includes comb, wallet, 3 assorted pins, 5 assorted stickers, sunglasses, sinkers pack, assorted longshoreman, assorted coozie, current issue and a chunk of coal inside a lowcard stocking… What A Bummer! Read more…

look at this asshole.

sure ok fine you finally got the lady’s attention. i ain’t carrying yer beers to the table all night. forget that. you just want the goddamn coasters anyways. just order a coaster. Read more…

oh dis! you sho asked for it.

this here is Tennessee Sanford Sahi. and he owes all you cooters 2 licks. Fuck it. i’m stayin in. it’s nice in here. wait, NO! this shits is cold fools! thanks for the fotos, gautam. Read more…

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