oui décor

Worst Kiska of the week…

I found my self in Cleveland a couple weekends ago. Jim Hill was havin’ a ramp jam so I went to take a look. Read more…

Young blood behind the lens…

Bram De Martelaere just sent over this video he put together of some of his times in SF. Were working on an interview as you look at this. He hasn’t been livin’ here to long but is not wasting any time getting the shots. Read more…

Why wouldn't we…

Were gonna BBQ over at the new spot tomorrow after 4. Well have some of our junk to skate. See ya there. Read more…


Skateworks is throwin’ a comp this weekend over at the Phil Shao park in Redwood City. Come out and win a grand in the bowl. Read more…

Atlas is one years old…

and having a fundraiser for Anthony Rea. He was hit and killed by a Caltrain train last month. Come out and win a pair of patchworks. Check the site for info. Read more…

Under 2 weeks…

To the Austin Chili Bowl Cookoff. Toad and Salmon do it right. Bring your boards and spoons.  Read more…

Game of skate…

The Public Square Group let me in on a Game of Skate goin’ on this weekend. Read more…

Why Wouldn't You…

Dave Hupp is showing his video tomorrow night up in Seattle. Funds go to the Marginal Way. Read more…

Henry Blogkins…

You may have seen Henry Hopkins floating around the DLX store on market but now you can see him floating around on his blog. Read more…

Another worstclip of the week…

Eric Spicely sent over his remix clip from the All I Need video. He also said he’s a big fan, sucks for him.  Check out his clip. Read more…

Caliskatz dropped a note…

Tony just sent over an e-mail. He’s gettin’ the shit together for a jammer over at Ripon this summer. Checkout 2005 and 2006 video clips from contests they put together. If not check out one of the best skateshop sites out there. Read more…

Are you O.U.T.

3rd Lair over in Golden Valley is holdin’ a flat ground contest this Saturday. Read more…

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