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Posts Tagged ‘Jordan Rommel’

Skate Juice Presents: “Hot Head”

  For the past couple of years we have been working towards our new full length “Skate Juice 4”. Throughout that time period, Brennan Scott was able to produce enough footage for an additional video called “Hot Head” that also features the rest of the crew. We traveled up and down the west coast as […] Read more…

Low-Res July 2021 with Dustin McWethy

From the desert to the palm trees and ocean breeze, Dustin McWethy’s got flicks for days.   Hide your red curbs, hide your ditches, Ace Pelka’s coming through with a honda powered stalefish noebluntslide.   The walls painted like christmas & the rollaway from this hard flip must have felt like it too–Cameron Targosz is […] Read more…