oui décor

February 2011 archive

Creatures of Habit…

Two new clips from the Creature camp… In The Park: Stu Graham… and a clip with Taylor from the Sinners tour… http://www.strangenotes.com/ Read more…

wouldn’t you know it…

come in out the cold one seat left at the bar elbow up next to this guy reliving his glory days “let’s keep going on to the next bar.” “but i like this spot. what it did to you?” “just look who’s in there. its ol’pet food.” “right, let’s go to clem’s. fuck that food.” Read more…

Manny slayed all…

Good job 2 Manny for killin’ it on Sunday… Heel Flip Shove It Nose Grind… Photo: Mid 90’s mannyslaysall.com Read more…

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