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Blood Wizard Skateboards…

YUBA – Jerry Gurney…

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472 Comments on Blood Wizard Skateboards…

  1. modyjch
    May 1, 2015 at 1:26 am (9 years ago)

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  2. biaxpwz
    May 1, 2015 at 1:28 am (9 years ago)

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  4. biaxerr
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    ,The thesis is simple.There has been nothing opaque nor clandestine about the disclosure of this dossier.Investors also can easily cross-reference Mr.Ackman and his team’s research against the company’s own SEC filings.I assume it makes for good eyeball counts on cable news channels when Mr.Icahn and others go all WWF on live TV.Almost all of the principal investors on both sides of the trade in HLF common have gravitas.Mr.Stiritz and Mr.Icahn have long and successful track records as investors and businessmen.The dividend yield would be about 7.77% at a total cost per share of $12, assuming no dividend change and a constant currency exchange rate that produces a $.0777 monthly rate for ARESF unit holders.
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