So the LCHQ empress now has a name. We would like to introduce you to Lowfonda. Thanks to John Russell of San Francisco for the winning name.
“My name is Lowfonda”
We have also picked two runner ups for the emails they sent.
Runner up
Mike Lent of Medford, NY sent the best story.
You guys should name your empress “Shebra”.
Here’s why.. I just took a road trip down to Orlando with 2 of my buddies, stopping in major cities on the way down and on the way back up to shred and just live life.. We stopped at a “Mac’s Speedway” outside of Charlotte where we encountered this cougar named “Shebra”. She told us we looked like bank robbers with our beanies on and wanted to get in on the heist. This cougar had been drinking for 8 hours. We elaborated on the situation a little bit more and our thoughts were running wild. She then proceeded to tell us that her son was gay and she was recently divorced after 20 years or so.. She was also asking us advice on how to tell her son that he’s fucking up in life (drugs, partying, etc.). Definitely lurking on us hard, asking what we were doing on the road, where we were staying, how old we were, job status, etc.
What took the cake though, is that my buddy said he was tired at one point from driving and she replied, “Shit, tired? I can get horizontal in about 3 minutes!”. Oh boy what a quote that was.. She was DTF for sure.
We would have made it happen but we had to continue up north to stay in Richmond, VA.. We took a group photo with her and gave her hugs goodbye. If this name gets picked, I can provide that photo.
Lowcard is keeping it real. Keep up the good work!
Mike Lent
January 11, 2010 at 4:37 pm (15 years ago)mmmmmmmmmmm