oui décor

“Sober Living With Brandon Turner”

Brandon Turner is fighting the good fight & still can switch hardflip over your mom’s house. Thank you for this edit, Indy. Straight from the source, “If you or a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism, or mental health issues @healthyliferecoveryinc can help. They’re now available to you 24 hours a day +1 […] Read more…

“Nice To See You” Presented by Vans Skateboarding

Nick Michel does everything you wish you could do, the Vans worldwide squad fills it in & Chima closes it out by kick flipping over the Great Wall of China which has apparently been relocated to Australia. Read more…

Ted Cam: Red Bull Oak Stages

You remember what happened at the Red Bull Oak Stages? Neither do we. Luckily our man Ted was there with the dad cam & has this edit for y’all to refresh your memory. Ira points at things, Rob adopts and abandons a dog & Dennis Busenitz switch hardflips on a quarterpipe–Hashtag wholesome content. Read more…

Greg Harbour for Lowcard

You’re in luck ’cause we got a badass, jump off of whatever, punk-rock, feel good video part from Greg Harbour for you. Greg’s got you covered on laybacks, switch bonelesses & even a dog pisser in the wild–Get there while you can! Filmed by Matt Shail & edited by Monico Candelaria. Read more…

Felix Meyers in “*brokeoff2”

This kid skates. I mean, this kid flies. Wait I mean this kid grinds. I mean he dropped in on a bridge as it was lowering. I mean, that’s pretty cool. I mean, he early grabs off tall structures directly through larf. If Felix has more coming down the pipes after this one, y’all better […] Read more…

“Undesirables: A Merde-ee Vacation”

There’s nothing quite like a Northwest rev & the Merde boys don’t disappoint with this edit. From backyard concrete to crazy indoor mega-ramp PVC rail set-ups, Mike Crespino, Luke Shumsky, Chris McFarland, Chris Nukala, Kevin Kowalski and many more get it done. Video by the legendary Kenny McLachlan. Read more…

INTRUDERS Episode 4 Ft. David Gravette

The babiest lamb of them all, fishing savant & animal lover, David Gravette, has a lot of Creature boards & some rad collectibles down in the schmeagol dungeon. Give it a gander. Read more…

INTRUDERS Episode 3 Ft. Cody Lockwood

Wanna know what inspires the unstoppable force that is Cody Lockwood? No? Yes? Click the link already. Also, new Red footage at burnside. Smoke what you heard. Read more…

“Man Cans” from Merde Skateboards

Today we’ve got the pleasure of blessing y’all with a serious throwback to a collavacation video featuring the Merde & Bacon teams from 2009–The baby Kowalski & Lockwood footage is reason enough to watch the whole thing. Just wait for what Merde has coming down the pipes later this week! Read more…

INTRUDERS Episode 2 Ft. Willis Kimbel

Willis is a true shape connoisseur–He’s got an ideal set-up for every situation that he might want to encounter on four wheels including but not limited to, “Passionate pursuits for the perfect turn”. First time I met him, he was at Pier Park blasting five-foot airs on a board that had bright orange wheels as […] Read more…

INTRUDERS Episode 1 Ft. Sam Hitz

This series from Creature rummaging through skaters’ shit is golden–Check the first installment from the largest maple hoarder in Southern California & host of the rest of the episodes, Sam Hitz. P.S. He’s drunk. P.P.S Nunchuck skateboard. Read more…

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