oui décor

Posts Tagged ‘Aaron Goure’


Shot entirely in and around Costa Rica. Filmed over the span of approx. 3 years, give or take. An urban snapshot of tropical maneuvers performed on splintered planks, the crunchy pavement succumbing to those most dazzling of feats. Scrapes and scratches can attest to this. Battling insufferable heats, emboldened motorists and baffled pedestrians, our heroes just […] Read more…

Low-Res with Nicholas Felton, August 2021

If you ever make it out to Las Vegas, make sure you get to this spot–It’s one of a kind. Look at Aaron Goure’s flawless execution of a rollup noseblunt surely followed by a 62-bar freestyle upon rollaway.   How many iPhones can you count pointed in David Harms’ way? I’d say enough to start […] Read more…