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Posts Tagged ‘Willis kimbel’


  A skate video based out of Portland Oregon by Frank Shaw & Alex Patterson.   Featuring: Frank Shaw, Nick Peterson, Alex Patterson, David Lobasyuk, Donovan Rice, Race Nagel, Binger, Willis Kimbel, Riley “Yote” Willey,  Chris Young, Andy Adams, Lucian Fiore, Berto Espinoza, Shagoonie, Tommy 215’s, Romel Torres, Alex Lobasyuk, Tanek Leszek, Karma Moon, Tom […] Read more…

Jhanka Gonzalez CRIATURAS Video Part

  It’s no secret that Jhanka has been on an absolute warpath with any and all terrain that crosses him. Creature proudly presents, CRIATURAS DEL INFIERNO, featuring Jhancarlos Gonzalez and the Fiends.  Starring: Jhancarlos Gonzalez   Featuring Fiends (in Order of Appearance): Cody Lockwood, Chris Russell, John Worthington, Willis Kimbel, Milton Martinez, Kevin Bækkel, David […] Read more…

Creature presents: Havoc

  The Creature squad put out a stone cold banger video with Havoc, documenting the combined radness of Collin Provost and Mathias Torres. Not to mention a healthy Japan Tour featuring the best of the squad, and the Japanese fiends (shoutout our boy Sota Tomikawa).     Read more…

Low-Res With Steven “Squid” Levas: December 2022

Oregon – it’s damp, it’s spooky, and it’s beautiful. One’s mind conjures up images of logging towns, or Modest Mouse, or rain, or Portlandia, or Drugstore Cowboy, but Oregon represents something else in the world of skateboarding. It represents some of the best sculpted terrain for what we love in life. With a fair share of notorious […] Read more…

INTRUDERS Episode 2 Ft. Willis Kimbel

Willis is a true shape connoisseur–He’s got an ideal set-up for every situation that he might want to encounter on four wheels including but not limited to, “Passionate pursuits for the perfect turn”. First time I met him, he was at Pier Park blasting five-foot airs on a board that had bright orange wheels as […] Read more…

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