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Framework Skateboards – “Scrapbook”


The first effort from the Northern California grassroots homies, Framework skateboards. Holding it down here in the Bay Area, all the way out to the Cuyahoga River. Scrapbook shows an offering from a group of committed rippers who are shining bright.

Dedicated to the memory of Filipe Motta.


Featuring: Alex Dorio, Gage Rubio, Brandon McCormick, Nate Recine, Kodi Elliott, Eric August, Ernie Viera, Andy Aced, and Gabe Nunez.

Guest Starring: Anthony Howard, Mike Walker, and homie Eli Williams.

Filmed by: Daniel Miranda, Nathan Rowland, Gabe Nunez, Henry Viswat, Sam Vestal, Ryan Siegel and others.

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