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June 2012 archive

Heavy Wizard Utah&Nevada Part 2

Don has an epic DIY in Utah. Frank fs rock on the Tombstone extension. Lizard King smoking bs distaster Frank the Tank tips his hat hello. Tristen front flips at Woodward Tahoe Gurney feelin’ the van ride, gunner is psyched too.. Demo at Milo Jack Given, pivot fakie Jerry likes pineapple upside down cake The […] Read more…


Here’s a few images of what happened on part 1 of Heavy Wheels and Blood Wizard’s trip to Utah. Part 2 coming Friday! Reno! Jack Given no problemo Reno’s Choad! Tbone fs smith SLC’s Lizard came to show us around, kickflip 5050 Jerry Gurney, bs smith A sucky park all to ourselves! pics: Shamanski and […] Read more…

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