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Posts Tagged ‘Tadashi Yamaoda’

Better Late Than Pregnant

  Old footage, new exposure. Skaters: Ervin, Tony Christopher, Ryan Farley, Eli Williams, Elijah Akerley, Scotty O’Rourke, Jesse J Guns, Colby Steck, and Scotty Laird Music: Chief Keef  – “Hallelujah” Filmed by Tadashi Read more…

Jamestown King of the Ramp Recap – Tadashi Vision

  Legendary lensman Tadashi Yamaoda brings you his recap of Jamestown Skate Product’s King of the Ramp 2024. Full of epic tricks, bone shattering slams and appearances from some of the wildest rippers in the northeast, Tadashi’s production leaves out all the bullshit and shows you the gnarliest of the gnar at one of the […] Read more…

Dom & James Spark It Up

  Dominick Borowicz and James Neveils get down with the Devil in San Francisco. Guests: Kayl Johnson and Scott O’Rourke   Music: Anthony Dares Progress “Devil” Drunk Dom “Devil’s Tail”   Filmed and Edited by: Tadashi Yamaoda Read more…

Jason Galindo: Way High Patrol

  An up close and high def look at Jason Galindo through the eyes of the man behind one of the best innovations in lens protection, the Tadashi filter. Watch Jason Galindo rip a variety of terrain with a knack for harsh transition and getting lifted.   WAY HIGH PATROL by officer Jason Galindo Small […] Read more…

Tadashi Filters presents “Artistic Integrity”

The man, the myth, the legend Tadashi Yamaoda comes through with yet another innovative & up close edit of some of your favorite skater’s favorite skaters. City lines, LA picnic table grinders, backyard crust pits, there’s something here for everyone. Get in closer!!! Read more…

LOWRES Photo Feature #59…

LOWRES back for your viewing.   Marco Hernandez Leo Gutman,No Comply Flip Up, Nose Wallie Down. Staten Island, NY.   Dylan Nieves,Ollie into Bank.Staten Island, NY.   Christopher Gleason Tyler Cushat,Front feeble.   “This rails a long one. Tough to hold that feeb that far. It was recently taken to fakie, but here Tyler takes […] Read more…

Brinkerhoff and Riviere for Tadashi Filters…

With the camera set underneath the rail some custom angles of Tom Brinkerhoff and Joshua Riviere are captured. To spice things up a little cinemagraph effect was added to the pictures.     Get In Closer Get info at: http://www.TadashiFilters.com/ Read more…

Tadashi Filters…JUMP!!!

Adrian Mallory and Elijah Akerley pay homage to jump ramps and the 80’s sensation, Van Halen. During the session they inevitably come to the conclusions that they might as well JUMP… Read more…