oui décor


Ohio Surf and Skate was a stop on the 1031 winter demo. They don’t have there own skatepark and with tons of snow, heres what they came up with. video by Spencer Burdock Read more…

sick graffiti

this is from the synagogue ramp in nola. i think it’s a picture of ryan mcwirter as a lightbulb. Read more…

part of having a big ass yard in the woods of mississippi is having a bunch of shit in it.

and the horse’s name is Gamble, and rightly so seeings how it was a definite crapshoot trying to do any thing with him. i seen him bite bitches, buck fat dudes, chase pigs, get chased by cats. i know he doesn’t care for weed, and i’m not sure if he liked the acid. but he’s […] Read more…

if'n it wasn't bad enough

this birthday wish list writin mofo went and had hisself (and his lovely slaughter mama) another braggin right. and Henry, this little guy here gets to help show off they new stoke. a brand new bald mini human by the name of Olive has come water birthin out like a sumbitch. congrats, mike dick. i […] Read more…

random new orleans yeah

was that wallride of tmo’s a make? i know they ran it… pancakes. the tent cities finally moved on… nothin but love fo ya poak chop! Read more…

they tried to boost him, they did.

oh fortuna… was in new orleans during the beginning of the year, but Ignatius wasn’t. what i speak of is the bronze of Ignatius J. Reilly, one of the beautiful characters from the book Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole. book published after his suicide, cult classic, pulitzer prize, all that. a couple heads […] Read more…

future looks bright, you.

this is what i see thru my new glasses since bloglifin’ is so dang lucrative. see you on the private jet, whores! you’ll know the one. it costs 50 cents in front of the dollar store on mission st… Read more…

sorry for the lack of posts, but who gives a shit. but, since it am's rainin, here yall is…

looky here… she said that this was a cover up of something worse? don’t get me wrong now. i ain’t got the bestest tattoos mine self, but just how many cover up ideas were rolled round the idea pile before jordan came to be the cream on top? and when? and is he wearing sweatpants […] Read more…

Apt. 27

ryan and pizzle got a blog, drop by and take a ganders.. apt27sf.blogspot.com Read more…

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