oui décor



“Doppelganger” is a fully mirrored concept homie video based out of Los Angeles, CA, with the exception of some clips from SF, NYC, and Atlantic City sprinkled in there as well. For this concept to work, we had to make sure that each clip mirrored itself throughout the timeline. Essentially the filming/coordinating behind everyone’s tricks and lines were carefully planned out from start to finish. We were literally out in the field getting clips and immediately capturing/editing the day of so that we could verify that our clips matched in the end. Overall it took around two-ish years to piecemeal all together. Big shoutout to everyone involved. The skaters, filmers, and especially everyone else on the production side.


Directed/Filmed/Edited: Elliot Katz
Additional Filming: Matheo Chavez, Jordan Anstatt, Angel Hernandez, Stephen Estrada, Pedro DeOliviera, Nick Zaragosa, David Martinez, Josue Lozano, Connor Toates, Christophe Charre, Carsten Johnson, Tyler Lorenzen
Featuring: Justice Kellenberger, Josue Lozano, Shaun Hover, David Martinez, Antonio Elliott, Matt Orona, Ryan Davis, Elliot Katz, Tristan Sachar, Billy Griffin, Yoshi Tanenbaum, Adam Workman, Tyler Lorenzen, Logan Black, Marc Alvarado, Ant Morel, JJ Meza, Matheo Chavez, Marc Arias, Julian Huckleby, Erwin Jadraque, Andrew Bansal, and Matt Treadway

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